Thursday, February 1, 2007

Day 3 - Abita Purple Haze

It was hazy and just a wee bit purple. Ok, maybe hazy orange. It was apparently raspberry flavored, but the taste of raspberries escaped me - it did taste of something kinda sweet, but I'm not exactly sure what.

Had it not had the fruit reference, I would have called this a pretty fine light bodies wheat beer with some underlying flavors.

This beer would be a fine one to have while waiting for the coals to gray over on a nice August day, coals that take their time like a real barbie should have. So then you'd want to have a second, maybe then a third. Purple Haze is a very morish beer. Not really a winter drink, but good none the less.

The Facts:
Name: Abita Purple Haze
Origin: Albita Springs, Louisana
Strength: 4.75% ABV
Container: 12oz Brown Bottle
Bought at: World Market
D Rating: 67 (out of a possible 100)

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